The adoption and application of evidence-based practice in healthcare and nursing are fundamental in certifying the best patient results and care quality (Kim et al., 2016). EBP is the foundation of medical practice, and implementing EBP advances care quality and patient upshots.
PubMed is among the best websites to complete research with evidence-based and credible information. The website provides current, relevant, unbiased, and up-to-date information. PubMed is specific to health and medicine, conducts extensive medical and scientific research, and is a consistent and highly authoritative resource.
The website meets the CRAAP (currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose) test criteria used to examine empirical sources. EPB sponsors quality healthcare, improving the consistency and quality of healthcare, decreasing disparities in costs and care, and enhancing health outcomes (Melnyk et al., 2014). PubMed sponsors the search and reclamation of life and biomedical sciences literature to advance healthcare.
PubMed is grounded in EBP, implementing the best accessible evidence, and medical professionalism. PubMed is credible and specific to health and medicine, containing over 34 million biomedical literature abstracts and citations (Williamson & Minter, 2019). A project-based EBP teaching can lead to a rise in EBP sources’ use and developments in attitudes and knowledge connected to EBP (Crabtree et al., 2016). Determining the dependability of evidence and resources is essential in evidence-based practice.